Accelerated Reader

  • (AR) Accelerated Reader

    The Buckeye Union School District uses the Accelerated Reader (AR) program with all levels of readers as a means to motivate, monitor, and manage students’ independent reading practice.  Two key features of the program are that students read books that are challenging, but not frustrating and they receive frequent feedback about their progress which motivates them to continue reading. 

    Accelerated Reader has evaluated thousands of books assigning a reading level, interest level, and point value to each title and they continue to evaluate more books each day.  You can learn more about the program from this Video and Slideshow.  Buckeye Union School District has a large number of AR books in their school libraries, but you will also find AR books in our County libraries as well as through various book vendors if you choose to purchase titles for your child.

    By visiting AR Book Finder you and your child can: 

    • Determine a book’s reading level, interest level, and/or point value.

    • Search for titles at the appropriate reading level for your child that he or she will find interesting and enjoyable.

    • See what books have been popular with your child’s peers by clicking on “Collections”, then “What Students are Reading” and then selecting your student’s grade level.

    By visiting the AR Parent/Student Portal you and your child can:

    • View the child’s reading level.

    • See what books they have already read.

    • Review scores they have received on quizzes. 

    Also, through this portal, a parent or guardian can arrange to be notified each time their student takes a quiz so that you can congratulate them on their success and encourage them to continue taking quizzes as soon as they finish a book. Please be aware that students cannot take quizzes through the home portal, they must take quizzes at school.  Parents/Guardians should receive a letter from their student’s teacher providing login information for this portal.

    If you would like to know how the program is being utilized in your child’s classroom, please contact your child’s teacher.

    How else can you help your student become a better reader?

    • Read with your child.

    • Start a home library.

    • Ask questions about the books your child has read.

    When you make learning a family affair, there’s no limit to the success your child can achieve!