Nurse/Health Services and Forms

  • Medication at School


    Medications cannot be administered by school personnel unless there is a current school year completed parent and physician request form on file in the school office. Medicine cannot be kept in lunch boxes, desks, backpacks, et cetera (Cal Ed Code 49423). All medication (including non-prescription) must be sent to the school in the original prescription bottle or original container along with the completed form. 


    In compliance with California Education Code 49423, when an employee of the school district gives medication to a student, the employee must act in accordance with the written directions of a physician and with the written permission of the student’s parent or legal guardian.  These authorizations must be renewed whenever the prescription changes and at the beginning of each school year.  The prescription label on the container is not acceptable as a physician’s statement.  Over-the-counter medications will be given if prescribed by a physician or dentist. 


    We require all medications to be stored in the health office and be administered only when the physician and parent/guardian signed permissions are on file.  Students are not allowed to have medication in their possession at school, walking to and from school, or on the school bus.  This practice provides for the safety of all students on campus.  The only exception to this policy is if the student’s physician has given the student permission to carry and self-administer either an inhaler or an epi pen. 


    School personnel cannot give medication brought to school in a plastic bag, plasticware, or any other repackaging.  No out-of-date medication will be given.  An adult must bring the medication to school along with the completed authorization form.  


    If you anticipate a visit to your student’s physician or dentist and expect that medication may be prescribed or the dosage changed, please stop by the school office for the appropriate forms or you may download the Student Medication Authorization Form below. 


    Forms and letters:

    Please note, fillable forms may be printed/completed/scanned back OR downloaded and opened as a fillable document. Fillable digital signatures may require access to Adobe or another digital signature program. 


    Vaccination Requirements

    Vaccinations are required prior to school entry for all grades. For a complete list of all mandatory immunizations, please visit the California Department of Public Health’s website at: 


    Additional Resources